
Help write the next chapter of a success story

Donors to SIET give more than money. They unlock ambition and open a door to the future for uniquely talented individuals. Benevolent interventions have helped create enough success stories to fill volumes.

Our goal is to raise £1 million to add to the current pot.

That way we can invest in even more promising futures.

There are several ways to support the next generation of exceptional Scots.

Use our Donate button below. Set up a fundraiser and enrol your network of friends, family and colleagues to reach a target sum. Set up a regular monthly or annual donation. Discuss your philanthropic ambitions with us.
Incredible stories of musicians who have gone on to enthral audiences across the globe, biologists now making major contributions to animal conservation, Harvard Law School graduates protecting and promoting human rights and those on their way to careers in forensic medicine, bio and geo sciences, global economics and cyber security. These are just a few of the diverse subjects our many awardees have specialised in.
If you would like to make a one off donation to support the work of the Trust, please use the DONATE button which will take you to our Just Giving page. Gift Aid is possible using this method. If you are a Scot in the USA or a US citizen who would like to support the work of the Trust you can make your donation via the American Scottish Foundation with whom we are proud to partner. Donate on The American-Scottish Foundation website The American-Scottish Foundation is a non profit 501c3 organization and all donations made through the Foundation are tax deductible in the United States to the extent of the law.

A grant from the SIET can make the difference between a talented individual pursuing a life-changing course or their promise  being unfulfilled.

There’s no shortage of exceptional applicants but there is a shortage of funds.

Currently, at each round of award making, we have to turn down half of the applicants that are worthy of support.

Please consider making a donation to enable SIET to support excellence in need.

Why not use your network of family, friends and colleagues to help raise a targeted amount.

You may be thinking about donating an amount of money with a specific focus. We would be pleased to discuss this with you. Please contact:
Successful applicants for grants come from all kinds of backgrounds. Yet they all have one thing in common, a burning desire to use their talents to better themselves and contribute to society, at home and on the international stage. They are carrying on a long tradition of gifted Scots going out into the world and making a difference wherever they go.

A one off donation is great.

A year on year commitment is even better. More money adds up to more winners.